When you truly love someone

When you truly love someone, that love permeates throughout your blood and your body.
Seeing something that reminds you of them, the mere mention of their name, a faint memory.
It physically does something to you.
So much so that the people around you may notice your eyes dropping, your head turning away, or any sort of body language that’s indicative of that love running through your veins.
Your physical gesturing is a giveaway of that love manifesting itself in your being, and at times you can’t control it. Especially if they’ve passed or they’re not around.
It was was said that when our Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa salam, passed away, Bilal was not even able to say his name during the adthan without stuttering and crying.
It was said about Imam Malik, that the colour of his skin used to change at the mention his name.
I want to love my Prophet like that.
I want to cry when he is mentioned, and miss him the way I’m supposed to miss him.
I want to love him more than I’ve loved anyone else.
I say that I do, but I want to internalize that love and I want it to affect me physically.
Because love isn’t real unless it’s infused in your blood and your heart.
Because there is no success without loving him more than you love yourself.

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One thought on “When you truly love someone

  1. `La illaha illa Allah July 26, 2016 at 7:04 am Reply

    Reblogged this on Dawah – For The Sake of Allaah and commented:

    I want to love him more than I’ve loved anyone else.

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