O my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, this is the true understanding of what it means to meet Allah

And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall takes us back on a time where He is most pleased with us and that He makes the day that we meet Him the most beautiful day of our lives! Amin.

Dawah - For The Sake of Allaah


Are you?

So many of us talk about death, remind people about death to the point that we make lots of posters and reminders about it but do we [who remind, talk and make posters of it] think to ourselves if we are ready to face the grave?

And to those who are being reminded, does the reminders enter your heart, do you get affected by the reminder? and to the end do you ask yourself, are you ready to enter your grave?

Remember no matter how we are reminded and talked to about death, it is up to us if we let it speak to us and affect us, its all up to yourself.

So today, I will not remind through an ayah because people think its all over the internet, I will remind you with the khutbah of one of the greatest caliph that Islam had, and at…

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